Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2015


In Memory of BaggelhGiakoumakh
It is with great sadness…That the shocking news of the Suicide ofBaggelhGiakoumakh…brings me to share an article with you…that proves with no doubt, although Bullying is a major concern… suicide can be prevented.
Adults’…Peer’s…Parent’s…Educators’.. quicker intervention to stop the bullying might have saved this young man’s life.
May He Rest In Peace.

There is no doubt that bullying is a problem in all schools, but just how much of a problem is it? The latest bullying statistics 2014/2015 reflect bullying in “real life,” as well as cyber bullying. The numbers related to any bullying statistics are both shocking and disheartening.
Bullying is defined as “intentionally aggressive, usually repeated” verbal, social, or physical behavior aimed at a specific person or group of people. Some bullying actions are considered criminal, such as harassment or hazing; but “bullying” alone is not illegal. And recent news stories abound with tales of cyberbullying – where the target is harassed through social media or other technology – that have unfortunately resulted in
victims’ suicides. The majority of bullying still takes place at school; One in three students say they have been bullied at school…and as young as ive years old.
Bullying…seems to boost the social status and popularity of most middle school students. Psychologists studied 1,895 students at 20 South African middle schools, where students were asked to name the students who were considered the “coolest”.  This was their response “The ones who are ‘cool’ bully more, and the ones who bully more are seen as ‘cool’”.
With so many students seeing what goes on, one has to wonder why bullying proliferates – especially since it is reported that bullying stops within 10 seconds 57 percent of the time when someone intervenes. I found in my study that “A simple message, such as ‘Bullying is not tolerated,’ is not likely to be very
effective,” and that effective anti-bullying programs need to focus on the bystanders, who can step in and stop the behavior.
Lasting Effects of CyberBullying
Most experts agree that bullying peaks in middle school, while children are making the transition from children to young adults. Although bullying certainly continues into high school – and even into adulthood, unfortunately – it does seem to subside with maturity. Even so, approximately 160,000 teens reportedly skip school every day because they are bullied, and 1 in 10 teens drops out of school due to repeated bullying.
    Not shockingly, students who are bullies as young adults continue the trend of abuse and violence into adulthood. By the age of 30, approximately 40 percent of boys who were identified as bullies in middle- and high school had been arrested three or more times.
Unfortunately, children and teens who are considered “different” from their peers are the most frequent targets of bullies and are constantly bullied. Special needs students; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) students; students who are overweight; and students who are perceived as “weak” are the most likely targets of bullying by others. Nine out of 10 LGBT youth report being verbally
bullied because of their sexual orientation, while 55.2% of those students reported being cyberbullied. Of special needs students who report bullying, the majority of those who are victimized are students diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, and students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Unfortunately, only 20-30 percent of students who are bullied tell adults or authorities about their situations. Without accurate reporting, it’s difficult to change the patterns of bullying and abuse that persist in the world.
Shocking Facts about Bullying: Why Bullies Bully
It is only by understanding why bullies bully that we can be able to understand just how they pick their prey or victim. When a bully wants to become popular, it is understood that he will pick on the most unpopular kid, one who has for one reason or another been shunned by the peer group. The bully will reason that the peer group will applaud this anti-social behaviour and he or she will then become popular at the expense of the poor victim.If the bully comes from a home where fighting and violence is the order of the day, then he or she will see it as an acceptable behaviour in the society. The same case happens to be true in schools where there is a lot of bullying happening and helps understand Why Bullies Bully.
Power may also prompt people to bully others. Teenagers who are given power over the others should also be trained in leadership skills to keep them from exercising it in a negative way.
Types of Bullies
In order to know how to deal with bullies, you need to know what type of bully you are dealing with. Although bullies can exist just about
anywhere , the three most common types of bullies are:
School bullies
Cyber bullies
Workplace bullies
Bullying behaviors are common to all types of bullies, whether you need to know how to deal with bullies at work or how to deal with bullies at school. All bullies are aggressive. Bullies do not like to be disagreed with. This aggression could be physical or verbal. Bullies may hit you or take your money. Threats can come to the victim, the victim’s family, the victim’s possessions or the victim’s pets, all by evil bullies.The common result of bullying behavior is that the victim feels powerless. They never know when their bully is going to strike next. They also are confused as to why they are getting bullied in the first place. The reason why bullies pick victims really doesn’t matter. Bullies pick victims because that is what they do. Bullying behavior does not stop until bullies meet bigger and more powerful bullies.
What about Bullying Statistics?
School bullying prevention programs are known to decrease bullying in schools up to 25 percent. That is one of the Shocking Facts about Bullying.
About 28 percent of students in grades 6-12 experience some form of bullying according to bullying statistics 2013. Over 30 percent of students admit to bullying classmates and peers. When an adult intervenes in a bullying incident, it stops within 10 seconds or more about 57 percent of the time. This is why addressing the problem often cuts down on bullying incidents that happen daily and rescues many students from being bullied.
There are many different types of bullying. There is a strong correlation between bullying and suicide related behaviors. The relationship is often influenced by o factors like depression and delinquency. Those bullied by peers were more likely to think of suicide and even attempt it.
Where does bullying occur many parents and teachers wonder about the location. Bullying takes place on school grounds and often on the bus. This is not the only place it occurs however ! Cyber bullying occurs on cell phones and online on social networks, boards, and through email.
It is essential for parents and educators to understand what is bullying in school and how figuring out what is bullying in school can help them fight bullying the right way. Grasping bullying facts or “bully facts” can help parents and educators start the right conversation with their children, bullying is a complicated socio-psychological issues and the way to fight it is to be armed with much bullying facts today.
Knowing the bullying statistics  gives parents, teachers, and other adults knowledge of the problem. It does not stop or resolve the problem that many boys and girls face every day at school or online. This problem affects all groups despite the race, sex, gender, religion, or nationality. One bullying statistic gives higher rates for handicapped and LGBT youth evident in gay bullying facts.
Bullying statistics  offer key points on what to look for in your child or at children in school. Knowing the types of bullying and where it occurs gives an adult the advantage. Remember statistics on bullying  point to a
problem that must be addressed to change things.
Don’t let your loved one become a shocking number in a bullying statistic especially with the rise of bullying.


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2 σχόλια:

  1. Το bulling είναι μια διαστροφική, σαδιστική μορφή βίας, που εξοντώνει ψυχικά το θύμα, που του αφήνει πληγές ισόβιες, που του προσβάλλει ανεπανόρθωτα την υπόσταση, την ελευθερία και την αξιοπρέπεια. To bullying είναι φόνος. Ακόμα κι αν δεν οδηγήσει σε φυσική εξόντωση, όπως στην περίπτωση του αδικοχαμένου Βαγγέλη
    .....πρέπει να ποινικοποιηθεί. .....



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